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DudáStudio Ltd


"Creation is our passion...."

Dear Visitor, welcome to DudaStudio’s Webpage!

Dudástudio Ltd. provides services in the field of Virtual Construction and Architectural design.

THE VIRTUAL CONSTRUCTION – rationalization and support of construction works, property development, facilities management (with the help of computer technology) – is a young and dynamically developing engineering field, where we have gained international experience (English, American, Scottish Scandinavian, German) in the last decade. On larger construction projects (like stadiums, museums, shopping centers, residential buildings, etc.) we build 3D construction models from architectural, structural, mechanical 2D drawings based on special modelling principles. These models can generate quick and exact quantity take-offs and estimations and can be used for visualization and for illustration of the matching discipline models. Beside quantity take-offs, DudaStudio Ltd provides model based scheduling/sequencing that results as a sequencing movie of building construction that helps to visualize and control the timelines and construction activities. An important output of our workflow is discrepancy (clash detection) reports that summarize the 2D and 3D design issues, that could reduce the build cost by 5-10%. The end result of the Virtual Construction project can be a 5D movie that integrates the model quantity based estimation with sequencing data that generates an additional cash flow curve that reflects on project timeline.Essentially, the Virtual Construction process brings great value to the construction industry, and can reduce wasted time/cost, both in design and during construction.

ENERGY EFFICIENT BUILDING DESIGN is also a fresh and up-to-date way of architectural design that aims to ​​rationalize​​​​​ and drastically reduce the energy consumption​ of houses. We design buildings that utilize and preserve the passive energy sources and inputs​​​ (like sunshine, body heat, cooking heat, etc) inside the external walls – theoretically these homes work like a thermos.​Our goal is to design homes that are cheaper to maintain, more energy efficient, more sustainable, healthier and better to live in.

I hope we’ll have chance to build an efficient cooperation with you soon! Please contact us for more information!

Bence Dudás

Architect & Genegal Manager

DudáStudio Ltd, Adr.:​ 1047, Budapest, Váci út 15-19. Hungary, Tel: +36206612405,  E-mail:

© 2009 by Dudástudio LTD




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